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Old 03-08-2006, 10:27 AM   #15
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Re: Another Canadain here!

No kidding, I was in talking to your father last summer! He's a really nice guy, I could have talked all day with him. He knew of an old 1930-something Dodge pickup a friend of mine was interested in. Your father had the frame and running engine at his garage (holding it for payment I think) but the rest was at the old estate. The lawyer for the estate was not releasing the rest of the truck for some reason and my buddy didn't want to deal with the lawyer so he stopped calling about it. Maybe you could get an update for me about it and ask him what year it is to refresh my memory?
I have a few parts for the truck your father is building if he needs them, they came with my 1/2 ton. I have Loadmaster hood and a pair of short running boards that are in pretty good shape, I'm not sure if the hood will fit the GMC though.
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