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Old 03-09-2006, 05:29 PM   #3
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Re: is there such thing as a water tight blazer?

When I first got my blazer back in 81 it was only 10 yrs old but it was tight as a drum for several years. But numerious times of taking the top off the door caps split and the drip caps got broke. then it leaked like a cive. I haven't put new door caps on it yet. Project in the works. I did put the drip caps on it. Helped some. My originals are much smaller than the repos I bought. I have saved them. They fit much tighter and don't stick out as far. I am going to try and shave the repos down. I owned three different 71/72 blazers in the early to mid 80's and none of them leaked. We are doing something wrong or something isn't as good as the original. Haven't figured it out yet.
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