Originally Posted by ozzcart_83
I would have to say before you go doing a cab swap and spending all that money on going that route then you should try and fix the under the dash unit. In my opinion, my cab is a factory air cab and I am going to put vintage air in it and not even mess with the factory air stuff. The reason I say this is because factory is nice but it was factory air back in the 1970s, not today. One of the trucks I had before the one I have now, had all the stuff to put it back factory (A/C) and it worked but not very good. The 1970s unit doesn't work very well and you would be happier with the vintage style for the simple fact that it would get colder.
Well, I agree with you now that I have put the factory one in mine, nice, cold, but just not like todays A/C,(I did not think of it that way till you mentioned it) I spent more going the factory route and if I had to do it again I would go with a vintage air type design. The factory sure looks nice and does work, but if you are really going to use it as a daily driver, I would go vintage air. you might even come out cheaper and have a current design for todays standards.
just my .02 worth
Jeff Smith
Pensacola, FL,
Pics of how I did mine