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Old 03-10-2006, 12:16 AM   #1
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Gutted the Suburban. How to cut the dash?zz

Well I broke down and became a molester. I took my unmolested 68 GMC subruban apart today. Mostly all the interior and motor box area. I had a hell of a time getting the old carpet off the wood bed floor. It came off fine everywhere else.
1)What to use to get the spray glue off that held in the carpet?

2)I have gutted and unbolted my dash and have a mint A/C dash to replace it with. How do I cut out the old dash? What is the process to weld in the A/C Dash?

3)Upon removing the dash pad and rear panels I find out they were originally silver or pewter in color as are the seat belts. It looks as like the visors were originally the same color also. What is the GM color for this? My steering wheel, bench seats paint were a factory silver color also. One of the 2 previous owner was not too bright and painted them all a black with a rattle can. The panels were painted with the rattle can vinyl die and look pretty good. am going back to the original color scheme. It will ROCK OUT LOUD> This must have been one beauty from the factory. All that pewter and silver up against the Vermillion paint must have been stunning.
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