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Old 03-10-2006, 01:41 PM   #10
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Re: Some Update pics of my project....

Originally Posted by boxrodz
Like the others said, looking good.
It taking shape.
So, you shortened the frame, eh?
Yes I did, but turns out I came across another free truck, but this one is a truc short bed, so what i'm going to do is get it, part everything else out but the rolling chassis, install me c-notches, chopped crossmember, and what ever else I need to do and then have it all powder coated, set the new crate motor and trans in that then swap my body over to that one, seems like a lot but I think this is the best way since I'm getting another frame!

I know, I know all the wasted work cutting the other one, no biggie I'll just sell it to someone else or something?
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