Originally Posted by ozzcart_83
I would have to say before you go doing a cab swap and spending all that money on going that route then you should try and fix the under the dash unit. In my opinion, my cab is a factory air cab and I am going to put vintage air in it and not even mess with the factory air stuff. The reason I say this is because factory is nice but it was factory air back in the 1970s, not today. One of the trucks I had before the one I have now, had all the stuff to put it back factory (A/C) and it worked but not very good. The 1970s unit doesn't work very well and you would be happier with the vintage style for the simple fact that it would get colder.
I couldn't disagree with a post more than this.
Today's automotive AC units aren't even in the same universe as the R12 units the factory installed in the early 70s.
If you have an R12 system working properly and full of R12, you will be cold. In all my newer vehicles, I'm never more than comfortable with the R134a units.
In my 1972 Chevelle the factory air is so cold that when I get out at the mailbox after work my glasses fog up. That system was gone over by me in 1989. I replaced the receiver/dryer, all the o-rings, and gave it a fresh charge of R12. I haven't added a drop since then.
I hate to admit it but the Ford R12 AC units from back then are even better. And they are more durable.
In the 80s I worked at a automotive repair shop. For two summers I fixed ACs. In all those years I fixed countless GM airconditioners. I fixed one Ford. It was a big old 76 or so LTD. It needed a POA valve. If I had a nickle for every ac manifold hose assembly I replaced on various GM 4-cylinder power cars, I wouldn't need my current job.
All that being said I'm putting factory air on my truck. Since R12 is scarce and expensive I've re-calibrated my POA valve to use R134a. All I have left to complete the job is to buy a new receiver/dryer, evacuate the system, and install the R134a I bought off the clearance rack at Wal*Mart last fall. I THINK this will work similar to R12 in the unit because of the way the older systems work verses new.
As far as price, I'll have WAY less into the factory stuff verses the aftermarket units available.