Originally Posted by Shorty Cox
Sandman, What are you going to do with the truck? Is it for show or a driver? I ask this because I was ask the same question a few years ago when I was considering making the change to power brakes on my '64.
It will be a driver. The main reason I am looking into the change is simply peace of mind. I have had brakes go out on me before. My reflexes simply ain't what they used to be. I realize that they stopped rather well when the truck was new but I like the split circuits for the reason of safety. I like power brakes since I have simply become used to them over manual ones.
I converted my '72 "FJ40 from drum/drum to power 4 wheel discs and love the result. My '69 Chevy 1/2T has been converted to disk/drum. When we get those old rains out here in Arizona (if we ever do again

), drums are instant fade when you have to transverse those washes.....disks get back into action a lot quicker.
All in all, I prefer disks over drums but in the 3/4T arena, most of the kits are 1/2T and, I suspect, that even the ones with 8 lug rotors are just 1/2T units with the additional rotor. If I hear different from CPP or Master Power I will be quick to post that news in this thread.
Hope that answers your question. I agree that manual, single circuit brakes work and some work quite well, but.......