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Old 03-10-2006, 05:17 PM   #12
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Re: Fab me some bucket seat nut-plates?

Originally Posted by chipflyer
Its spot welded to the cab floor, and the seat bolts will hold it all together also. Its pretty easy to grind away the old spotwelds and after its cleaned up it will fit right between the 2 cab braces. After thats done you can drill pilot holes up throught the nuts and you will have the correct front inner seat bracket holes.
After you have the inner holes drilled and the seats temporarily bolted in you can mark and drill the outer bracket holes from inside the cab, you will notice that you will have to move the outer brackets under the cab out as the stock location for a bench seat is to far in. After all of that you will have the front bolted down but nothing in the back. Mark and drill your back holes and again the outer rear bracket needs to be moved out about an inch and the inner rear bracket will need to be added, as there wasn't one on a truck with bench seats. All of this stuff is available originally from a blazer and if you take your time and do a good job you can make it look original.
One thing to keep in mind is that if you try and use the original bench seat outer holes and you have a console the seats will be to close to it and you will eventually break it.
Another thing I thought of was that you need to mount the console in the center of the cab first, it will help you square the seats up before you mark and drill them. It's a pretty easy task as there are 4 dimples in the cab floor that line right up with the console mounting holes. Hope this makes sense.

Have fun!

Thanks, very informative post. One more quick question..can all this be achieved with the drive train in place?
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