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Old 03-11-2006, 09:32 PM   #20
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Re: Show us those Burbs

Thanks Bob---the rear shocks on the ladder bars -as you say-help with axle wrap; but also vastly improve the ride on the tens of thousands of miles this rig drives on dirt roads each year for my work....Fron the dalton hgwy to yellow knife in the yukon...and so many more..

72 chevy-thanks for the concern-but the front shocks on the front ladder bars are not shocks at all, but steering stablizer's---and not only vastly improve the ride-but help keep the axle stright as a arrow in all kinds of conditions -on dirt roads and wet muddy pavement as well as icey roads which we drive on here 5 months out of the year...infact the ride is so improved that once you drive a rig with front ladder bars you will be amazed at how well the front end handles, all kinds of is truley amazing and helps tires wear better and keeps ball joints from wearing out sooner....just think of the pressure your front end has on it with the force of driving foreward;;it is so much force that it's illegal to run front lift blocks for this reason;;and what really keeps the axle stright--springs that have all types of side way motions...and maybe a torsion bar,, well we have --after 3 years work and testing designed this 4 ladder bar system to keep the truck going down the road strighter and with a better ride and less fatiuge on steering parts..

we have allready proven this with the first 26.000 road test for procomp who makes the best ladder bars-we believe....Anyway procomp is figuring to offer this kit we have designed running 4 ladder bars for chevy trucks from 73-87-so please wish us luck and watch for us in the magazines as this system is comming out later this fall or spring of 07 is a few 4x4 and chevy magazines as the newest idea to make your suspension work better--actually its just a old idea with a new face....the kit will be kind of spendy but with searching around and doing it all yourself you can put it toghter fairly cheap....

one thing for certain-with these on-this suburban is one of the most unreal rigs i have ever driven....

Nice bunch of suburbans folks-some real in alaska were suburbans are king-you.d be the envy of all... UP HERE WE CALL THEM ALASKA CADDILAC'S

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