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Old 03-12-2006, 11:07 AM   #7
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Location: Urbana, IL
Posts: 25
Re: New in Central Illinois

Originally Posted by Ron 586
Welcome to the board from West Tennessee. You are the best salesman or have the most trusting wife I know of. Mine would have stayed home to answer the phone when I called in that I was broke down.

Believe it or not, my wife is the one who talked me into buying the truck. I actually had to fight for my turn behind the wheel on the way home. She finished that trip with a very tan left arm and a very pale right arm. She also came out last weekend to help me pull the transmission (thought it was the clutch, but looks like the input shaft is binding), and before that, she helped me rewire the '51.

I think she's a keeper.

The car



As it sits right now.
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