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Old 03-13-2006, 01:03 AM   #18
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Re: Some Update pics of my project....

Originally Posted by tedbick
i was just wondering if you have used dynamat before this truck.also is it good for keeping the heat away from the floor.i know it is used for sound deadening.always looking for a better way of doing is it if it gets wet?
Yes I have used this before in my honda accord, I had a system in it that rattled like crazy! It helped for sure. I think this is one of the best improvements you can make, they make several different types of dynamat and this one has the foil backing which does also help in heat department, I think it's great stuff. I have never got it wet before but I think it would be fine, it's real sticky so onece it's down I don't think water would get under it. I do recomend buying a roller to put it down, I've used my thumbs before and that was the worst thing I've ever done.
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