Sorry guys no new pics today

I have been working on the "Tip & Flip dolly" and trying to get it all finished up so you guys will have an easier time doing this work. It is almost ready to ship (next day or two) and I can get back out in the garage

. I like designing but all this computer work is not for me. I am a construction worker by trade. I got into this line of work after high school because I did not want a desk job doing paper all day and did not want to continue on in school. Now what do I do, Half the time I am in the office doing paper work setting up meeting, taking classes, or dealing with the state on projects and fighting with generals on the job. So I really like being able to come home and head out to the shop and have fun. But it is all a trade off and you just hope you can make it all work out in the end.
Next time you look at a project on your truck and think " I don't know if I can do that" just remember what I live by;
"Theiris not anything that I can not do just some things I have not done yet!
Thanks all and I will be back soon.
LFD inc.