Thread: bed swap
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Old 03-14-2006, 10:12 PM   #26
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: bed swap

Why yes...yes I am sore... STILL!!
After downloading all the pictures, and resizing them and all that jaz... I realize that there is no pic of the actual bed on the truck!
I guess I'll have to remember to do that tomorow or something huh.
OK, so then... remember, i am working alone here...
First, pulled the truck in, and had the bed off within an hr. I picked up one end and placed it on 55 gallon plastic drums, then picked up the front of the bed and kicked some saw horses under there. After getting it up on there, I realized i couldn't pull out becouse the saw horse feet were in the way, so i grabbed the hoist and rigged it up on some wood like that to get out from under it.

This sucker rides ROUGH like this... but burn outs are soooooooo much fun.

Back of the cab looks like doo doo doesn't it?

Last edited by Longhorn Man; 03-14-2006 at 10:19 PM.
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