How Do You Value????
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09-28-2002, 11:12 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: eleanor wv usa
Posts: 3,103
How Do You Value????
This has talked about lately how do you value or set a price on your ride if you want to sell? I know theres alot of trucks here, stock,resto,frame off,sharp,not so sharp, etc etc. Heres how i'm gonna set mine when I'm done. It should be worth twice what I'd paid 16yrs ago that is 6 grand add 3 grand in parts and IF!!!!!! the paint turns out great I HOPE!!!!! add at least 3 grand more. Around 11 or 12. Some of the guys I work think I'm nuts when I told them this. So price and give some feedback on how you alldo it, and what you use. Price guides,bluebooks, other trucks etc.BTW POST 400!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS WEASEL
69 C-10, OWNED 38YRS... 350 over 30, 350 Turbo, 3:73 Posi P/S, P/B Black with red and black int. ''LOVE THESE OLD ''TRUCKS.......
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