Thread: idiot light
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Old 03-19-2006, 11:13 AM   #11
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Re: idiot light

Man, I got to do some research....

For starters, what I was planing on doing was adding this flowmaster cat. back system for $400.00

But what you are telling me:
"I've seen systems for the big blocks on, probably has them too. Same as mine, they're 2 1/4" pipes, all hardware, but no mufflers. I think they're about $125 or so. If you want true duals, and can do it yourself, this is really the way to go. Add some converters and Flowmasters to it (if I had to do it again, I'd have waited until I had the money to buy everything), and the h-pipe from Summit, and you've got yourself a nice system for around $350."

Is that with a little work, I could create a true dual with or with out a cat. for around $350.00.

1) Get the dual system from some place like summit
2)add a high flow cat. (side point, I am supprised about the ebay price, I quickly searched them the other day...around 240.00)
3) flowmaster muffler

Another question....Will changing these newer emission tuned engines to a dual exhaust with or without a cat. change the tuning of the engine? Will I create other problems by converting the exhaust system?

After some research, I may have more intelegent questions.

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