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Old 03-20-2006, 08:19 PM   #1
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Steering wheel & Dash knob refurb

For you guys trying to make an old wheel look new, check this stuff out !

Its clear and can be used over a painted surface for color matching. Its tuff as hell and once you mend any cracks or other defects with epoxy or what ever you want then color march it and use the ENVIROTEX LITE on it. The stuff takes about 3 hours to kick and you'll need to keep the part moving so it won't sag till it sets. We've used it on Corvette resto wheels and even Cessna yokes. Looks GREAT once its hard. Impervious to chemicals and easy to repair. Read the sites user info for tips. Purchase from Craft stores.

Last edited by mac; 03-20-2006 at 09:05 PM.
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