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Old 03-25-2006, 11:32 PM   #12
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Re: "BLAZIN" is off to Barrett-Jackson

Russell, sorry it took a while to answer your question. As you might know I've been 'thrashing' getting everything just so for B-J. The truck left yesterday for West Palm Beach, and she sells Thursday night, and hopefully will make TV coverage on Speed.

The stripper is a marine paint stripper in a blue can. I cannot remember the name exactly, but it cleans and dilutes with water. It can be found in most automotive paint stores. Coverage only took one to two coats of paint off at a time, meaning that it took sometimes 2 to 3 passes to get to metal. Then can finish it off with a light wire brush.

Of course, I also followed that with metal cleaner and metal conditioner prior to priming. Then sealed the bare metal with metal etching primer prior to covering with high build primer.

Sorry I couldn't remeber the brand name, but if you ask for marine paint remover in a blue gallon can, if someone on the boards can't follow up with a brand, I'm sure the paint shops can.
'75 Blazer RAT 4X4 "BLAZIN" - Custom frame off

Here's the website I'm uploading pics to: Greg's frame off project
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