Thread: drop spindles?
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Old 03-28-2006, 03:58 PM   #11
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Re: drop spindles?

Hey guys, thank you all for your replies. I checked my rotors today and they are 1.25. I am going to order an wester chassis 5.5/7 kit at performance suspension. For me it is quit curious that the rotor thickness makes an difference. If we would talk about the baerings, ok, but so it doesn't make sense to me, but maybe this put all together in one.
@bigblock73 Thank you, and I just wanna to thank you for your grat website, which took me to this forum and has rather the best information on our trucks. I am in progress on me own side at the moment. it will be online in several days.
@moneyeater Ich hab deinen Laster hier schon einige Male gesehen, hab aber nie darauf geachtet, daß du auch aus Deutschland kommst. Würde mich freuen, wenn wir in kontakt bleiben1
Best Regards from Germany!
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