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Old 03-28-2006, 05:14 PM   #1
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Im nearly there except...#@%& pwr steering!

Ok, The old 67GMC (Project Mayhem) is finally titled, tagged and INSPECTED! She runs decent. Still have a little tweaking to do but my main problem is the power steering...

I ended up giving it to a shop to finish off the brakes and check the p/s. My pump and res'v are in good shape (fresh and new) but my problem is in the gear box. They said that it would do me good to upgrade to a somewhat newer setup. As you see in the pics, it leaks like the Exxon Valdez. I do not have the cash to upgrade or replace the box (if thats all it is) much less the expertise to remove the box... how do you take it off anyway?.

My main question is can I drive it in a "manual mode" without tearing anything up? I figure ill need to take the pump of the belt so it doesnt get damaged. Will that work? I need to get all that fluid out so it doesnt stain up the garage or driveway(wife)...Thx for the help and info!
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