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Old 03-30-2006, 09:53 AM   #14
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Re: Putting a LT1 in a 86 Sierra?

Originally Posted by DroppedZ84
The LT1 is a totally different animal then the standard Gen I SBC TPI L98 engine..the LT1 uses reverse flow cooling, as well as optispark instead of standard distributor.
Do you remember the older model LT-1 motors, from the 1970-72 era (rated at 360 to 370 Hp)? They were a SBC that was in the earlier style muscle cars, Camaro Z-28 and Corvettes. The LT-1 that is in the late model Impala, Camaro, and Corvettes was a take off on the designation, with the wonderful Optispark and reverse flow cooling to get the serpentine system involved. The design of the intake and the TPI throttlebody are similar to the Gen 1 SBC L98. The runners on the LT-1 intake and the intake ports on the heads make the broader horsepower band in the later "Gen II" LT-1, where the L98 flattened out around the 5000 RPM area. The blue truck that is in the picture happens to have the older LT-1 motor in it with Brodix heads and a S&P chromed tuned port. Does that clarify the discussion that I was eluding to?
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