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Old 03-30-2006, 06:06 PM   #18
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Re: Putting a LT1 in a 86 Sierra?

YEP that is what I was talkling about, however, I didn't take the Engineering approach (since my Engineer is in the shop-Bad calculus chip)and go into depth on the design. Now for what I was talking aobut in the design characteristics that are the same. The basic design of the Gen II LT1 is that it IS a TPI style motor (the older ones had long runners and it has a short runner style), The Throttle boody design is relatively close to it's predecessor and the connections are the same. The Optispark design was a definite GM mess for some people and then on the other hand it works quite well fo others. If you were to install a L98 or a LT1 the basic needs are the same. The cooling system is a little different, but that is mostly in the engine design, the hookups will be basically the same. There s no problem with the water pump, due to the camshaft drive for it, that simplifies that part. The block is nota unique mounting design as is the "Gen 3" series motors. On those motors, to mount them in an early model vehicle, you have to get adapters for the motor mounts and a completely different set of headers. I also have one of those sitting in the garage. The LT1 is a good power builder and it responds to simple changes in air ratio and temperature modifications well. A good set of headers will wake it right up.

Last edited by piecesparts; 03-30-2006 at 06:58 PM.
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