The one wire conversion will be an easy upgrade. Just like was mentioned before you simply unplug the connection going to the external voltage regulator. There is a wire that is in that connector that goes directly to the + Battery terminal. I believe it is a red 10 gauge wire. If you have a multi- meter you can test continuity which is how I found mine. Once you have located that wire connect the one wire from your alternator to that wire. Oh and your ground of course.

That's all there is too it.
This has probably been covered before but incase it hasn't, to convert an externally regulated chev to a two wire internally regulated (GMSI) alternator The red wire hooks up to the batt wire as mentioned above. The white wire is designed to connect to an idiot light in the dash. If your truck has this locate that wire and connect it to that. If not and you don't want to put a idiot light in the dash or engine compartment then you can simply wire in a 10ohm 10 watt resistor (readily available at Radio Shack) and connect that wire to a power source that has 12 volts when the key is in the run position. I won't go too deep into this but it works like this. there is a voltage source on the idiot light from the ignition that runs through terminal 2 (the white wire) on the alternator and grounds internally in the alternator. This causes the idiot light to glow. Once the engine is running and the alternator is producing voltage (when it is working correctly) voltage is produced back through terminal 2 and takes away the ground source for the idiot light. This way when the alernator fails the light lights and alerts the driver. the 10ohm resistor is a little higher resistance and wattage than a 194 dash bulb but will do the job nicely. Hope this helps someone. I did not figure this out until taking an electrical automotive course.