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Old 03-31-2006, 12:09 PM   #14
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Re: Floor pan/Rocker replacement

I've heard different opinions on this. I am changing mine after, I felt that it wouldn't make sense to change the mounts to new ones then cut and find out that you need to add shims after ward. I think I can do the floorwork and once it is done, change the mounts and adjust at that time.

This is the way I'm doing it, which doesn't mean it is the RIGHT way. (at least I have a reason why, even if it may be defective reasoning...)

Honestly, you can really change the gaps by shimming the mounts (from what I've read) so as long as the windshield frame doesn't shift drastically I think you could shim it all to get your gaps right (wouldn't take much to hit factory standards!)

Good luck, Rg
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