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Old 04-01-2006, 01:58 AM   #1
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Thermostat housing...

Ok I understand that the chrome ones are junk. The crate 350 I'm trying to tend to and see if it is up to snuff is that type. Chrome with an o-ring and leaking. I went by the zone to pick up a replacement and the only one they offer is a 45 angle and one side takes a longer bolt. Yjey don't speak car language, so they didn't understand. All they knew how to say to me was "what year, what vehicle?" So is the a cheaper route. I like the swivel one from billett spec. but can't spend close to a c-note for a thermostat housing. Think it'll seal if I can find a new o-ring. at least temporarily?

Or how about a new hose. Are all hoses preformed? To use the new one I need a hose formed different, the water neck on it now is straight and the hose goes right to it. 45 degrees throws me off.
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