Thread: 1st coat
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Old 04-01-2006, 08:17 AM   #21
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Re: 1st coat

I did remove remove the cowl and fenders to paint the cab. Then just temporary set the cowl on cab to paint.

The color of the paint is Bright Aqua Pearl. The paint brand is Kirker and is their Ultra-Glo Urethane. I've used their enamels on other vehicles for years and I like the paint. This is the first time I used the their urethane though. This paint went on so nice and with very, very minimal orange peal. I hope the clear goes on as nice. All I have tied up in cost, is around $300.00 for material, and that's everthing.

You won't believe the type of gun I used. It's an HVLP from "Harbor Freight". I have been wanting an HVLP gun and read articles on different types and prices. A lot of places referred to Harbor Freight for the guns. Saying that for the novice or non-production guns, theirs was a good choice. I figured, If I didn't like the way it sprayed, I'd take it back. Well, I keeping it and I got it on sale with a coupon from their web site for $40.00. Was regular $70.00.

This truck had the upper and lower trim. I did away with the upper and will just be using the lower. I though about going with a white top, but after seeing the way this turned out, I'm staying with the solid color and will be doing the interior in silver/gray.
1997 GMC Sierra Ext

1965 Mustang

Last edited by 70GMCer; 04-01-2006 at 08:18 AM.
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