Re: Thermostat housing...
I went through the pains of the cheap "POTMETAL" T/stat housings with the chrome on them and I suffered greatly for a long time (leak after leak and I tried the regular gasket instead of the O-ring too). It finally ended up with the intake manifold pitted at the mounting surface. I took a file and "Drawfiled" the surface smooth again. After that I invest that nearly a "C" note to get the proper thing done right, by buying a Billet Specialties piece. Since then, I won't deal with that Feldercarb any more. Do it right or pay the price. Since the price is high, like gasoline, I will say that is my $2.00 worth--To hell with .02 because it is only taxation money.
If you want to be cheap and not leak go to the dealer and get a cast iron one. The real problem is the different alloys in the metals working against each other when they are heated up. "Galvanic corrosion" That is why the Billet pieces don't have this problem.
Last edited by piecesparts; 04-01-2006 at 10:24 AM.