Congrats. Enjoy it, it'll make a great commuter.
While I love my Chevy my job is 90 miles away, even with the 20-25 MPG the Olds Diesel gets that's still allot of fuel.
My Commuter is a 2003 VW Jetta TDI Wagon. I average 45-50 MPG with it and it can really rack up the miles. I bought it new in Nov of 2002 and I just turned 150K on it. Still runs like new. I have run it on straight vegtable oil for 60,000 miles. and expeimented with all kinds of blends of vegoil and kerosene and it never complains.
VW does make a good car, this is my second one, I had a 1998 jetta TDI That I bought new and traded it in on the current one with 187K because the turbo was going.. My own fault though, I neglected to change the oil and filter for 80,000 miles...

> I have since learned my lesson, now it's every 10K like the VW recommends