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Old 04-02-2006, 09:23 PM   #163
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Re: Project Penicillin~ 68 crewcab build up!

Ok we are in the home streach with the fourth door Today I welded up the lock hole on the door skin and grafted in the door latch area for the inner handle. I also treated the leading edge with a rust inhibitor before I weld the second layer of the leading edge on. This is the area that makes up the door gap between the front and fourth door and the last thing I want is rust to start up later at this spot. The pain in the a$$ part of the day was when I noticed that the pull up lock nob needed a full on lever and bell crank set up to work and look stock. You see on a third door of a burb it is at the front of the door so th efront passenger can unlock it. So the drivers side needs to be the same way. This involved taking a third door apart to see how it all works (and clears the windo set up) and then build the same thing in a mirror image. It was not all that bad just time consuming and somthing I never even thought of before. I mean I set the door top up for it to be this way with the lock button but never thought of how it would get from their to the rear of the door latch. Their are two bell cranks and three rods that make it all up. Both bell cranks had to have a notch cut in them since they will be working backwards from the factory layout. One had even throw on the bell crand arm so it was left alone. The rear on however had one arm longer than the other one so I had to grind off the back of the factory rivit so I could flip the arm side for side and weld it back together. Then it was just a mater of laying out the mounting holes which I found out if you are 1/16" off it will not give enough throw to fully lock the latch. But it is now done and working great and that only leaves the leading edge of the door to seam up with a second skin and the dor will be complete. Also I added a pic to show how full my shop got today with a nother customer project stuffed inside. Heck my 2wd blazer has to sit out in the rain right now

LFD Inc.
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