Yep, lots of history to that old barn before it went down.
My great grandparents bought the farm back in `47. The purchase included the house, all of the buildings on the yard, and one section of feild to the west of the house. At the time, the ranch was a very active, and very busy place. It was one of the nicest ranches in Alberta at the time, aptly named the Royal Ranch. (our cattle brand is RR with an underline under it, and a cross after it)
That barn was only a few years old at that point, and get this -- It was painted Royal Purple, with gold painted trim

Infact, all of the buildings there were, they all matched. There were two wells with windmills to pump the water, a blacksmithy, three machine shops, a hog barn, chicken coop, and dozens of smaller buildings for storage of various things, along with an absolutely gorgeous house.
I'm not exactly sure about the story behind how my great grandparents were able to buy it, but it was some crazy twist of fate as far as I am aware...
But yeah, my great grandfather was very penny pinching, and rather than maintain the ranch in it's former glory, he let it fall apart. By the mid 70s, he was tearing down and burning almost a building a year. He died, and my Grandfather took over. He never did much for maintenance on the farm either, he was far more concerned with buying more land to do farming on. He managed to round up about 3000 acres worth down there until he quit farming. During that time they also sold the old house, and built a newer one that I know and love

Also put up a new giant machine shed that replaced all the older ones (which are probally going to come down this summer).
The farm is in my Father and his sister's possession at the moment, but it is only used as a cattle ranch now, rented out to other people. No idea what we'll do with it in the future, probally keep it around though