Re: Need some math help
UPDATE. I had a guy email me. He said he'd fill it in for only $15K. Left no credentials. I dont think I'd bother wasting my time.
A REAL contractor visited me and said we'd find an econmical way of doing this. He said he'd be able to roung up about twenty dump truck loads of clean fill in about a two week period. They would be dumped on my property. After all of the fill came my contractor would bring his 4WD tractor over and just charge me for the actual tractor work. Hope this works out. It would save me from spending arount $3000.00 for fill. "dirt cheap" where'd that come from?
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'71 Custom Deluxe C-20 402.
'67 Buick Special 455.
'49 Plymouth Special Deluxe.
"I love that old car smell"
Some people are like Slinkies... not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.