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Old 04-03-2006, 07:09 PM   #4
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Re: Painting question, should i paint parts separate or together...?

make sure you have enough paint to do the whole job..
if you have different cans, mix them to keep color the same
make sure the same color primer/sealer is used on all parts

and yes if the same number of coats are not used or method is used on each part...the color will be different...also orange peel will look different.
the best way is to color coat the in sides of each fender or part and reinstall.
nobody say's it's easy....there ton's of taping and masking off.
if your doing a two tone?? this really makes it fun.

to sum it up:
best color and same orange peel on complete car or truck can be had by painting complete.

if your painting method is always the same, and have had lots of pratice.
painting each piece is ok..

Last edited by rage'nrat638; 04-03-2006 at 10:11 PM.
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