Re: A/C Advice. factory or not?
Well -
I don't know others sentiments, but I went through exactly the same thing as you.
I had a factory air setup, and after filling it with R12 (which would frost the windshield) - then pinching an O-Ring on the back of the compressor and leaking out all the R12, I converted to R134a.
I ran that for a while. It was very moderate. You had to let it run for a while to get it to cool off the cab.
I decided to go with an aftermarket system, yanking the factory one. I am using a setup from a local company called Coyote Air which is quite good. It uses the factory vents, so looks stock inside the cab - but fits under the dash. I am just trying to find a compressor mount bracket for the Sanden that I like.
Vintage Air would be easier, but I think I will love this setup once I get it finished just right.