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Old 04-05-2006, 06:05 PM   #4
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Re: A/C Advice. factory or not?

Originally Posted by Orange '71 GMC
Well -
I don't know others sentiments, but I went through exactly the same thing as you.

I had a factory air setup, and after filling it with R12 (which would frost the windshield) - then pinching an O-Ring on the back of the compressor and leaking out all the R12, I converted to R134a.

I ran that for a while. It was very moderate. You had to let it run for a while to get it to cool off the cab.

I decided to go with an aftermarket system, yanking the factory one. I am using a setup from a local company called Coyote Air which is quite good. It uses the factory vents, so looks stock inside the cab - but fits under the dash. I am just trying to find a compressor mount bracket for the Sanden that I like.

Vintage Air would be easier, but I think I will love this setup once I get it finished just right.
if you don't mind me asking, what do you estimate that coyote system running after it's all said and done? i'm thinking vintage air will be about $1k, and i haven't priced the others yet.

and when you say "under the dash" is it completely exposed a la dealer installed units, or is it under and behind the dash, with very little hanging down and exposed?
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