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Old 04-07-2006, 12:35 AM   #12
Ron 586
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Re: guess i am going to have to change my name

Sometimes you have to step back and look at the big picture to know what you have to do. You have did a lot better than I as you have your money in 1 nice truck. I on the other hand have had 4 different cars ( since winter 93/spring 94) and none of them as nice as your truck. At least you can make a change or two and drive yours on a pretty day and get some satisfaction from a job well done and admiring looks from people passing by. I have had to make some hard choices the last few weeks and when I sell this stuff will be lucky to get .05 cents on the dollar spent. But at age 59 and health going to hell a lot faster than I thought it would I don't have a lot of options. So do what you have to do, thank God for a understanding wife, and drive that truck with pride with whatever engine you put in it. Form where I'm sitting you've damn sure earned it.
Ron (Mr Round Tuit)

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