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Old 04-07-2006, 01:35 AM   #29
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Re: You ever see your old truck and wish you had it back?

i did buy back my 84 chevy 4x4 owned new..sold it in 93 and found it in front of a small bar 10 miles from my house in 2000..i walked in,asked who owned the red 84 out front? one guy said "i do,why?" i than told him that i was the orig owner and wanted it,after a few"many" beers we struck a deal...she now sits in my garage and is recieving a new crate engine right now..still retaines it's original paint!taught my 1st son to drive in it when he was 12 years old..he's 30 now and wants it bad..
1971 K5 CST Blazer
1965 Chevelle Malibu 283 (sadly sold)
1968 Camaro 327
1968 Honda mini-trail z50a #377
1966 uh 1-D Huey
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