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Old 04-07-2006, 03:52 PM   #3
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Re: Serpentine belt swap

I got one off of a 92 Firebird and installed it onto my 1984 305 stepside. I got all the accessories, brackets, studs, pulleys, a/c condenser, a/c lines, p/s lines, nutts and bolts. The install was pretty straight forward. I installed a new water pump just to be safe. I had to drill and tap one hole into the passenger side head on the front to mount the aluminum bracket properly. I deleted the smog pump. The a/c lines even work from the firebird on the truck condenser. I used a smaller serpentine belt from Gates #K060966 since I deleted the smog pump. If you find a doner car/truck make sure to get all of the mounting studs and braces out of the doner car/truck. Since I have headers I had to drill out the mounting braces that mount to the original manifolds to get a better alignment. Here is a picture of where I am currently at with this project. This setup uses a different alternator than what came on our trucks. I am currently wiring everything up. Once I get that done I'll post up how to do that the right way.
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