Originally Posted by SCOTI
I use the air-ride type kit on the rear of my 68 beater & have pulled my 74 on my 18ft steel floor trailer w/o a problem.
I would say use the bags they recommend for the front on the rear of your burb as a minimum. I have the 224c Firestones on the rear of my truck & ART said they would be more than adequate. They actually said the smaller 255c bags would handle the weight, but I wanted margin for error.
Use a 1.5" or 2" lowering block w/the bags & for normal driving run the air pressure between 35~40psi. When you add a load, bump the pressure up to 60~65psi to keep the vehicle level.
Is your truck leafsprung or coilsprung in the rear? I'm guessing leafs since you mentioned a lowering block??
Are the Firestone bags part of the ART kits (just relabeled as AirRide)...? A rep from RideTech suggested a model F6873 bag for the rear....
I'm not really looking to "lay frame" with mine. Just get rid of the stinkbug stance (unloaded) and still maintain the utility of being able to tow my K5 from time to time.....
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