FREE ’86 454 engine parts
A guy here at work stripped his engine down to the bare essentials and put on a new carb, headers and exhaust.
He offered to give me anything I wanted before he throws the remains away. I have no need for it, but figured one of you might need this stuff.
What he has, as I understand it – will get pictures tomorrow when he brings it in, is the following:
- Some brackets - not the one the alternator is mounted on though he said he didn’t like the looks of it standing up there with nothing on it so he is going to get a bracket for the alternator with no smog pump
- Smog pumps – two (one above and one below?)
- Exhaust manifolds – he said they were like a factory header; they weren’t cast iron (maybe stainless?). They have the bungs(?) for the smog pump tubes
He said he had to hack some things to remove this stuff without removing the engine. I believe he said at least one of the smog pump tubes was cut and maybe both. He didn’t really care as he planned on throwing this stuff away then thought to ask me first as he knows I go through a few trucks.
I think there are a few more parts than this but will know for sure tomorrow.
This stuff is no charge, so if you’re not close enough to pick this stuff up then you will need to pay shipping.
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2000 Tahoe Limited
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