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Old 10-02-2002, 08:45 AM   #8
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Measure from rear brake backing plates on either side to frame to see if rearend is centered. If not check the bushings in the pan hard bar if shot or missing replacing them may center it if replacing does not center it then you need a adjustable pan hard bar. Generally though the adjustable bar is not needed until you drop the rear 4-5"
You should also examine the bushings in your rear trailing arms if they are shot or missing they will cause this and need replaced.
The front end definately should be aligned also and anything worn keeping the front end from being properly aligned should be replaced. By not replacing these worn parts you run the risk of damaging further parts if bushings are gone by metal on metal wear, the chance of causing a accident that takes yours or others lives, and greater wear on tires and all other suspension parts leading to even more problems.
Time to raise it up and check her out from front to rear.
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