Thread: fill 'er up?
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Old 04-16-2006, 12:14 PM   #4
Oil trash and damn proud of it
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Re: fill 'er up?

wow, and I thought 2.69 a gallon was EXTREMELY high.... I bet it's going to end up something like 3.50 a gallon in the summer here... I'm about ready to go buy a really cheap, really cruddy 4 cylinder and get her runnin fine and prime, so I can get like 30mpg... instead of 10mpg with my trucks

1997 K1500 Z71, 14 bolt SF 3.73 posi, Bright Blue Metallic. 6" Superlift
1972 C-10, toolbox, p/s, 350/TH350/3.73 open, black int., bronze
2008 Dodge MegaCab. H&S tuned 6.7 Cummins. Fast Four Tons

Some of my pics
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