Thread: fill 'er up?
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Old 04-16-2006, 02:20 PM   #10
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Re: fill 'er up?

Originally Posted by 69-350
wow, and I thought 2.69 a gallon was EXTREMELY high.... I bet it's going to end up something like 3.50 a gallon in the summer here... I'm about ready to go buy a really cheap, really cruddy 4 cylinder and get her runnin fine and prime, so I can get like 30mpg... instead of 10mpg with my trucks
Thats what I did picked up a 96 neon with a 2.0 cant get out of its own way but with only taking 7 gallons to fill it and 30 mpg may not look as good as the truck goin down the road but its savin a few pennies!
'97 ext 4x4 3" body lift and 7'6" Fisher MM2
'04 Polaris 700 twin EFI **sold 2-1-07**
'07 Polaris 800 twin EFI Stealth Limited Edition
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