Thread: fill 'er up?
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Old 04-16-2006, 02:54 PM   #12
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: fill 'er up?

In oregon, they aren't able to gas up on there own, they have ppl getting out of the big house do it for you.
I guess an ex con is more trustworthey than a model citizen.

It was 3.02 to 3.15 in cali middle of last week, makes the 2.75 around the corner look quite a bit better.

Guy across the street when and bought a newer S-10 to use instead of his C/1500... both late 90's early 2000's trucks. He said he did it for the gas mileage.
He felt pretty stupid when i mentioned it'll take a WHOLE LOT OF CRUISIN to pay off the $7,000 S-10 in gas savings.
seven grand will buy a butt load of gas.
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