Thread: fill 'er up?
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Old 04-16-2006, 03:18 PM   #15
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: fill 'er up?

Originally Posted by 97silv5.7
thats true I paid 1700 for my neon figuared saving 30 bucks a week like I am a lil over a year or so it will pay for itself, maybe less the way gas prices are goin
You drive a LOT more than him. The S-10 would be a rusted out POS Heap by the time he sees any profit.
Yours can be justified I guess.

I just have a rule of no more than 10 miles commute. I live 6 or so miles from work, and I have no life, so even with a big block non tuned one ton truck with 4.10 gears... I can milk a tank for a week, 2 weeks if I didn't have to pickl up my mom from work every friggen night.
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