Originally Posted by rodnok1
Is the throw out bearing same as original? They make several diff one's.
Yep. I've also tried reusing the original.
Were you having any problems before change out?
Not really. It always jumped out of third gear (prompting the T5 swap), but the clutch always seemed to work. I've checked all the other possibilities (input shaft too long, pilot shaft bottoming out against crank, etc, etc.), but all of that seems to be okay. If fixing the slop doesn't work I'm going to put the old transmission back in just to test it out.
I'll check those bumpers you mentioned. I know the only reason the pedal stops now is because it's hitting the floor. It seems like adding a bumper would give me less pedal travel though. Wouldn't that make the problem worse?
Now that I think about it, that plate under the dash might be it. Right now the rod motion reminds me of somebody putting on a heavy backpack. There's kind of a loopy motion before it starts hauling up.