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Old 04-18-2006, 07:25 PM   #14
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Re: Need help to get truck started

Got the new AC/Delco "terminal block assembly" Thats the dizzy harness from the capacitor and ignition module on the dizzy end to the coil assy terminals on the cap. Mine had the old can shaped capicator, the new one had a small square block as a capacitor. Since everything else checked out normal electrically I put it all back together (with a new coat of dielectric grease from GM) and tried to start it.

It turned over right away but was running rather rough. No surprise since it sat since late Dec/early Jan. Gave it a couple of pumps on the gas and it reved but sounded like a huge header leak ("chuffing" noise) and started winding down. Like it had no power. Pumping the gas gave no response and it died. Can't get it started again.

Started pulling plugs to see their condition. They are all black, like a rich mixture or burning some oil, and all the ones I pulled (I quit at 3, 1 left side, 2 right) were wet with gas.

Its like its just not getting spark. The next thing I can think of is the coil, but it showed the correct readings on the test earlier (see specs in 4/15 post).

I hate to have it towed to the shop but I'm out of ideas.

Any more help on ideas I've missed?
'67 small window
'79 350 .030 over, LT1 "clone"
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