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Old 04-18-2006, 11:15 PM   #15
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Re: Need help to get truck started

You got carb problem-flooding-wet plugs no start. Take all plugs out and clean them. Take gas line off fuel pump (tank side) and plug it so as not to lose gas. Before putting plugs back crank engine over to blow any gas in holes out. Install plugs and restart engine. If your carb is flooding it should run ok until carb runs out of gas. Hook fuel line back up to fuel pump. Restart. If it dies again fix your carb problem. (dirt under needle, sinking float, or you are gas fouling your plugs trying to start it when your ing. goes out.)
56 Chevy Bel-Air 2dr. HT (purchased new)
71 Chevy Cheyenne SWB PU (502HO)
65 GMC short bed step--work in progress and my gofer
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