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Old 04-20-2006, 08:30 PM   #4
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Re: Loose hard top bolts. Help!

IF you have a double wall and your talking about the bolts/nuts along the bed rail then it is the nut part that is loose inside your fiberglass. These are fastened with rivets. They are actually metal stips, 3" by 3/4" by 3/16, with a whole drilled in the center and tapped for the bolt. The only way to get them out is to drill the head of the rivets out. Drill a one inch whole, with a whole saw, just up the inside of the top. Then fish them out. I had to replace multiple ones so I drilled the hole between two of the nuts, so I could get to them with only one hole in the top. I had broken bolts in them that were rusted so badly they wouldn't break loose. I just bought some steal and made my own.
'71 Jimmy, 350, SM465, NP205, 2in Tuff Country lift, 33s on rallies, TBI, softtop and hardtop

"If life was fair you'd be able to afford one of each and a garage large enough to house them all."
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