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Old 04-21-2006, 08:27 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 5
N. Carolina Noob

Thought I'd introduce myself. I used to be deep into the 67-72 Chevytruck scene. I've left and come back. I live near Durham NC.

Before I go much further I have to put this out in the open and hope I don't get banned. My truck will not be bowtie powered, or even GM powered. By now many of you are probably saying Oh God please not a Fxxd. Well it's not it's actually a Small Block Mopar.

It's like this I have a fully forged balanced 408 Stroker (started life as a 360) from another project that went away so I could get back into the truck. The buyer of the drag car I was building wanted a big block so I kept the motor.

I also look at it like this. It's nothing different than our fathers and grandfathers did in the 50s and 60's.

Anyhow it's good to be here and I hope you can look past my cross breeding.
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