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Old 04-21-2006, 09:52 PM   #19
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Re: how do you get new parts past the wife?

My wife has given up hope - she was trying to get me to sell the Blazer for some time - and I think has finally given up.

I just bring parts home when she's not home - and get them in the garage and stash them - wife stays out of the garage for the most part.

She's happy being in the dark - just have to not make the cash outlay show up in the bank account... So I use my side plastic chroming business as much as possible to pay for stuff

1972 CST K5 - Undergoing frame off, 8.1/4L80E/NP205, 3/4 ton, 8" lift, currently a pile of parts that when assembled resemble a Blazer
1972 K10 - Rust Bucket, TBD
1976 C10 SWB, 350 / T350

My blazer build thread:
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