Re: Don't think it's gonna happen...your opinions
Hey, long time no hear from. I wondered where you went. I answered your first post and and thought from your enthusiasm that by now you would be about ready to start driving that truck. I had computer problems and lost everything and could not remember enough to find you again. After looking at the pictures I would have to say you have a real hard row to hoe to restore your truck. If you had just went out and bought it and then found all this rust I might say walk away and cut your losses. But with the family history this truck has, take a second look. The first thing I want you to do is go back and read starting at your first post and all the way to present. After that sit down and let a good dose of reality get in the mix. It's not going to be a easy choice and you are the only one that can make it. And no I'm not trying to lay no guilt trip on you, I am saying however that if it don't fit the original plan of replacing you present daily driver you might want to consider a joint family venture to save the old truck. If you feel that you don't want to tackle it I'm sure that you will have people standing in line to take it off your hands. Good Luck